Hostaname | REG | Size | Leaf color | Petiole | Fragrant | Origin |
H. 'Academy Fire' Steve Chamberlain 1997 | R | M | (ch>goy),(cr>w)e | PUB | | 'Francee' sport |
H. 'Academy Muse' H. Chamberlain/Steve Chamberlain 1997 | R | ML | gry,gre | | | unknown |
H. 'Academy Redundant' Steve Chamberlain 1998 | R | ML | gr,we | | | 'Fortunei Aureomarginata' sport |
H. 'Ace of Spades' Ernest Lunsford 1993 | R | M | dgr | | | 'Blue Wedgwood' seedling |
H. 'Achy Breaky Heart' Jim Schwarz 1996 | R | S | gr,str,w,we | | | unknown |
H. 'Aestival Festival' Ursula Syre-Herz 1996 | R | M | ly | GR | | unknown |
H. 'Aladdin's Lamp' Dick & Jane Ward 1996 | R | ML | goy | | | unknown |
H. 'Alaskan Halo' Pete Ruh 1997 | R | ML | dgr,crwe | | | 'Fortunei Hyacinthina' sport |
H. 'Alice Gladden' Dick & Jane Ward 1998 | R | ML | goy | | | 'White Vision' x montana f. macrophylla |
H. 'Alma' Gus Krossa/Pete Ruh 1995 | R | S | goy | RB | | unknown |
H. 'Alston Glenn' Ray Stephens 1998 | R | M | blgr | | | 'Pearl Lake' x 'Tucker Pucker' |
H. 'Am I Blue' Dick & Jane Ward 1998 | R | XL | blgr | | | 'Reginald Kaye' seedling |
H. 'Amber Tiara' Walters Gardens 1998 | R | SM | y>gry | | | 'Grand Tiara' sport |
H. 'Amethyst Blue' Charly Seaver 1996 | R | M | blgr | | | 'Sea Lotus Leaf' seedling |
H. 'Amethyst Jewel' Pauline Banyai 1992 | R | M | gr | | | rupifraga hybrid |
H. 'Andy Taylor' Tony Avent 1993 | R | SM | dgr | | | 'August Moon' x 'Tardiflora' |
H. 'Angel Wings' Jane & Bernie Diesen 1998 | R | ML | gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Apple Court' Patricia Scolnik 1998 | R | DS | w,gre | | | 'Ani Machi' sport |
H. 'Arctic Rim' Ran Lydell 1993 | R | ML | gr,we | | | 'Fortunei Hyacinthina' sport |
H. 'Aristocrat' Walters Gardens 1997 | R | SM | blgr,crwe | | | 'Hadspen Blue' sport |
H. 'August Moon' Richard Langfelder/Alex Summers 1968/Pete Ruh 1996 | R | ML | ch>goy | | | sieboldiana hybrid |
H. 'Austin Dickinson' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1992 | R | ML | blgr,we | | Y | 'Resonance' x plantaginea |
H. 'Avocado' Jane & Bernie Diesen 1998 | R | ML | gry,dgre | | Y | 'Guacamole' sport |
H. 'Azure Chalice' Ursula Syre-Herz 1996 | R | L | dblgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Balloons' Belle Gardens 1994 | R | SM | gr | | | 'Anne Arett' seedling |
H. 'Banana Muffins' Jim Schwarz 1996 | R | ML | goy | | | unknown |
H. 'Barney Fife' Tony Avent 1993 | R | SM | dgr | | | 'August Moon' x 'Tardiflora' |
H. 'Belle of the Ball' Hajime Sugita/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | M | gr | PU | | kiyosumiensis x pycnophylla |
H. 'Bells of Edinborough' Bob Savory 1993 | R | S | gr | | | 'Rim Rock' seedling |
H. 'Benedict Arnold' Benedict Arnold 1996 | R | M | blgr,grwe | | | 'Dorothy Benedict' seedling |
H. 'Big Dipper' Bob Kuk 1995 | R | L | goy | | | 'Gold Regal' seedling |
H. 'Big Shot' Eldren Minks/Anne Arett 1992 | R | ML | lgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Bigfoot' Robyn Duback 1998 | R | G | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Bilben Little Atlantis' W. Bennett 1998 | R | S | goy,str,gr | | | 'Gold Edger' sport |
H. 'Bingo' Belle Gardens 1993 | R | M | gr,(y>cr)e | | | 'Tokudama Aureonebulosa' seedling |
H. 'Blackfoot' Maria Plater-Zyberk/Bob Solberg 1994 | R | SM | ch>y | R | | 'Kabitan' seedling |
H. 'Blast Off' Herb & Dorothy Benedict 1995 | R | XL | goy | | | 'Mikado' x 'Dorothy Benedict' |
H. 'Blue Chip' Herb Benedict/Bob Olson 1997 | R | S | blgr | | | 'Dorset Blue' x 'Dorset Blue' |
H. 'Blue Clown' Herb & Dorothy Benedict/J. & E. Stratton 1996 | R | S | blgr | | | 'Dorset Blue' selfed |
H. 'Blue Delight' Ernest Moore 1993 | R | L | blgr | | | 'Blue Mammoth' sport |
H. 'Blue Eyes' R. Herman 1996 | R | SM | blgr | | | venusta seedling |
H. 'Blue Gown' Bill& Eleanor Lachman 1992 | R | ML | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Blue Lady' Eunice Fisher/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | SM | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Blue Max' Mark Zilis/Walters Gardens/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | ML | blgr | | | 'Helen Doriot' seedling |
H. 'Blue Monday' Bob Solberg 1998 | R | S | blgr | | | 'PeeDee Gray Mulkin' x 'Popo' |
H. 'Blue Pearl' Hillier Nursery/Gus Krossa/Alex Summers/Pete Ruh 1994 | R | ML | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Blue River' David Reath/Roy Klehm 1998 | R | M | blgr,ye | | | 'True Blue' sport |
H. 'Blue Star' J. Brennan 1998 | R | | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Bob Olson' Herb & Dorothy Benedict 1995 | R | DS | dgr,cre | | | 'Yellow Splash' selfed |
H. 'Bob Sanders' Bob Sanders/Ed Elslager 1998 | R | | gr,str,y,w | | | 'Gold Standard' sport |
H. 'Bobbie Sue' Clarence Owens 1994 | R | ML | dgr,we | | | 'Marbled White' sport |
H. 'Bonanza' Elizabeth Nesmith/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | L | dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Boogie Woogie' Calvin Helsley 1998 | R | D | gr,str,crw,crwe | | | 'Stiletto' sport |
H. 'Border Bandit' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1992 | R | SM | blgr,crwe | | | 'Lachman 81-8' x 'Halcyon' |
H. 'Brandywine' Roy Herold 1993 | R | S | gr | R | | (montana 'Aureomarginata' x venusta) x longipes f. hypoglauca |
H. 'Brave Amherst' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1993 | R | ML | dgr,crwe | | | 'Christmas Tree' x 'Reversed' |
H. 'Brenda's Beauty' Bob Keller 1992 | R | M | y,gre | | | 'Gold Standard' sport |
H. 'Bright Eagle' Ran Lydell 1998 | R | L | lgr>chy | | | unknown |
H. 'Broad Ripple' Clyde Crockett 1995 | R | S | blgr,ye | | | unknown |
H. 'Broadway Frances' Crockett 1997 | R | | blgr,brye | | | 'Frances Williams' sport |
H. 'Brother Stefan' Olga Petryszyn 1998 | R | | goy,gre | | | 'King Tut' x (x 'Mildred Seaver') |
H. 'Bubba' Tony Avent 1998 | R | SM | gr | R | | 'Sum and Substance' seedling |
H. 'Buckeye Blue' Handy Hatfield/Jane & Dick Ward 1997 | R | ML | blgr | | | sieboldiana hybrid |
H. 'Cadillac' Ed Skrocki/Tony Avent 1998 | R | M | goy,dgre | | | unknown |
H. 'Canadian Shield' Ken Knechtel 1993 | R | M | gr | | | 'Halcyon' sport |
H. 'Candy Cane' Pauline Banyai/Ed Elslager 1995 | R | SM | dgr,ye | | | unknown |
H. 'Candy Hearts' Eunice Fisher 1971/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | M | blgr>gr | | | nakaiana hybrid |
H. 'Carolina Moon' A. Breiwick 1997 | R | | gr,che | | | 'August Moon' sport |
H. 'Cascades' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1993 | R | ML | w,blgre | | | 'Banana Sundae' x montana 'Aureomarginata' |
H. 'Cat's Meow' Clarence Falstad 1998 | R | SM | gr,goye | | | 'Tokudama Flavocircinalis' sport |
H. 'Celebrity' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1995 | R | L | dgr,goye | | | 'Beatrice F6' x 'Frances Williams' |
H. 'Centennial' Dick & Jane Ward 1996 | R | XL | blgr>dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Centerfold' Gayle Kamp 1994 | R | ML | ch>goy | | | unknown |
H. 'Champagne' Bob Savory 1994 | R | DS | ygr,dgre | | | 'Ogon Koba' seedling |
H. 'Chartreuse' Gladys Holly 1968/Eunice Fisher/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | M | ch>gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Cheatin Heart' Bill Zumbar 1995 | R | D | ch>goy | | | "Subcrocea cross F2" x 'Birchwood Gem' |
H. 'Chesterland Gold' Mark Zilis/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | SM | y>ch | | | 'Paul's Glory' sport |
H. 'Chinese Sunrise' Robert Schaeffer/Alex Summers/Pete Ruh 1992 | R | SM | ch>gr,dgre | | | 'Lancifolia' sport |
H. 'Circle of Light' Kevin Walek 1996 | R | S | gr,we | | | 'Galaxy' x 'Little White Lines' |
H. 'City Slicker' Jim Dishon 1996 | R | M | dgr,(y>cr)e | | | 'Yellow Splash' x yingeri |
H. 'Clarence' Lucy Simpers/Marjorie Soules 1996 | R | ML | bl | | | sieboldiana hybrid |
H. 'Cody' Bob Solberg 1996 | R | D | dgr | | | 'Shining Tot' x venusta |
H. 'Concordia Petite' Ursula Syre-Herz 1996 | R | D | dgr | | | venusta x 'Golden Tiara' |
H. 'Cool Change' Bob Kuk 1995 | R | L | bl | | | sieboldiana hybrid |
H. 'Corona' Gaby Braun-Nauerz/Piet Warmerdam 1996 | R | XL | gr,ye | | | 'Sum and Substance' sport |
H. 'Cotillion' Bill Zumbar 1995 | R | S | gr,cre | | | (x 'Breeders Choice') x (nakaiana x 'Kii Hime') |
H. 'Count Dracula' Clyde Crockett 1997 | R | | dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Craig Harlequin Bells' Jack Craig/Alex Summers/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | SM | dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Crater Lake' Ron Snyder 1996 | R | VL | blgr | | | sieboldiana 'Elegans' hybrid |
H. 'Cross Stitch' Bill Zumbar/Pete Ruh 1992 | R | ML | lgr | | | "T4401" x "T4402" |
H. 'Crow's Nest' Charles Seaver 1995 | R | SM | gr,cre | | | 'Don Stevens' x 'Sea Angel' |
H. 'Crumples' Diana Grenfell 1996 | R | SM | gr | | | sieboldiana 'Elegans' hybrid |
H. 'Crystal Tiara' Walters Gardens 1998 | R | S | w,ygre | | | 'Grand Tiara' sport |
H. 'Cupid's Dart' Walters Gardens 1997 | R | S | dgr,we | | | 'Heartsong' sport |
H. 'Curtain Call' Jim Wilkins 1998 | R | M | blgr | | | 'Wolverine' sport |
H. 'Dale's Blue Gray' Lillian Maroushek/Ron Snyder 1998 | R | ML | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Dark Tower' Dick & Jane Ward 1996 | R | L | dgr | | | 'Sagae' hybrid |
H. 'David Reath' David Reath/Klehm 1998 | R | L | dgr,ye | | | 'Gold Regal' sport |
H. 'Dawn's Early Light' Olga Petryszyn 1998 | R | ML | y>ch | | | 'Sea Fire' seedling |
H. 'Day Dream' Gary Trucks 1998 | R | | y | | | 'Sea Dream' sport |
H. 'Dee's Golden Jewel' Kevin Walek 1996 | R | M | y | | | 'Royal Standard' x 'Galaxy' |
H. 'Deep Blue Sea' Charly Seaver 1994 | R | ML | blgr | | | 'Blue Moon' hybrid |
H. 'Delia' Richard & Mary Ford 1995 | R | DS | goy,gre | | | 'Golden Prayers' sport |
H. 'Diana Remembered' John Kulpa 1997 | R | M | dgr,(cr>w)e | | Y+ | 'Seventh Heaven' sport |
H. 'Dick's Delight' R. Rossing 1998 | R | S | lgr,we | | | nakaiana seedling |
H. 'Dim Sum' Belle Gardens 1994 | R | D | gr>goy | | | longipes var. latifolia seedling |
H. 'Dimity' Tom Micheletti 1998 | R | S | gr | | | 'Baby Kim' seedling |
H. 'Distinction' Eunice Fisher 1970/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | L | gr | | | 'Herbert' seedling |
H. 'Doctor Fu Manchu' Hajime Sugita/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | M | dgr | R | | longipes x pycnophylla |
H. 'Doctor Reath' David Reath/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | L | (blgr,mot,y)>gr | | | sieboldiana sport |
H. 'Domaine de Courson' Ignace van Doorslaer/Diana Grenfell 1996 | R | XL | dgr | | | 'Sum and Substance' sport |
H. 'Dragon Wings' Wyatt Lefever 1996 | R | XL | gr | | | montana x 'Fortunei' |
H. 'Dragon's Blood' Hajime Sugita/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | M | gr | R | | longipes x pycnophylla |
H. 'Drawn Butter' Belle Gardens 1994 | R | S | gry>goy | | | 'Whoopee' hybrid |
H. 'Dream Weaver' Bonnie Ruetenik/Kevin Walek 1996 | R | ML | crw,blgre | | | 'Great Expectations' sport |
H. 'Dress Blues' Bill Zumbar 1995 | R | ML | blgr,crwe | | | "Breeders Choice F1" x 'Halcyon' |
H. 'Ebb Tide' Ed Elslager 1997 | R | ML | dgr,ye | | | montana 'Aureomarginata' sport |
H. 'Edina Hornet' Dennis Savory 1996 | R | ML | gr,ye | | | (x 'Honey') sport |
H. 'Eleanor Lachman' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1995 | R | S | crw,dgre | | | ('Neat Splash' x 'Flamboyant') x 'Robert Frost' |
H. 'Electrifying' Ed Elslager 1998 | R | M | dgr,goye | | | 'Electra' sport |
H. 'Electrum Stater' Alex Malloy 1997 | R | SM | y,we | | | 'Abiqua Recluse' sport |
H. 'Elephant Burgers' Tony Avent 1993 | R | SM | dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Ellerbroek' Nils Hylander/Paul Ellerbroek/Pete Ruh 1996 | R | ML | blgr,ye | | | 'Fortunei Aureomarginata' sport |
H. 'Ellie Bee' Ellie Spingarn/Pete Ruh 1996 | R | DS | y | | | 'Nakaimo' selfed |
H. 'Elvis Lives' Tony Avent 1995 | R | ML | bl | | | 'Peter Pan' x 'Green Fountain' |
H. 'Emerald Carpet' Pauline Banyai/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | S | gr | | | undetermined |
H. 'Emerald City' Dick & Jane Ward 1996 | R | XL | gr | | | 'Big John' x montana f. macrophylla |
H. 'Emerald Green' Walters Gardens/Pete Ruh 1996 | R | ML | dgr | | | 'Opipara' sport |
H. 'Emerald Necklace' Bob Kuk 1994 | R | SM | (w,dgre)>lgr | | | (x tardiflora) sport |
H. 'Emeralds and Rubies' Jim Dishon 1994 | R | S | gr | R | | 'Emerald Carpet' hybrid |
H. 'Encore' Jim & Jill Wilkins 1995 | R | S | y>gr | | | 'Tardiflora' hybrid |
H. 'Ersatz' Pete Ruh 1996 | R | L | dgr | | | 'Elatior' hybrid |
H. 'Estrellita' Bill Zumbar 1995 | R | D | y | | | (x 'Emerald Ripples') x 'Subcrocea' |
H. 'Eternity' Jim & Jill Wilkins 1995 | R | SM | y | | | 'William Lachman' hybrid |
H. 'Eventide' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1992 | R | ML | gr,nawe | | | ('Banana Sundae' x 'Sea Drift') x 'Tokudama Aureonebulosa' |
H. 'Eye Catcher' Randy Goodwin 1996 | R | SM | y>lgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Fair Dinkum' Belle Gardens 1993 | R | M | blgr | | | 'Lavender Lace' seedling |
H. 'Fair Maiden' Walters Gardens/Clarence Falstad 1993 | R | SM | dgr,(cry>w)e | | | 'Amber Maiden' sport |
H. 'Fairy Frolic' H. & J. Millhorn/Hoot Owl Hollow Nursery 1997 | R | SM | | | | unknown |
H. 'Fall Emerald' Alex Summers 1968/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | ML | gr | | | montana x sieboldiana |
H. 'Fantasia' Robyn Duback 1998 | R | M | gr,str,y | | | unknown |
H. 'Fat Cat' Dick & Jane Ward 1996 | R | L | goy | | | 'Sagae' seedling |
H. 'Festival' Alex Malloy 1998 | R | | gr,str,y | | | 'Carnival' sport |
H. 'Finlandia' Alex Summers/A. Busse/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | SM | dgr | | | kikutii hybrid |
H. 'Fire Island' Bill Brincka 1998 | R | S | goy>gr | R | | longipes f. hypoglauca x 'Crested Surf' |
H. 'Firefly' Dick & Jane Ward 1996 | R | S | blgr,crwe | | | 'Pin Stripe' seedling |
H. 'Fisher's Cream Edge' Eunice Fisher 1960/Pete Ruh 1992 | R | SML | gr,we | | | 'Fortunei' sport |
H. 'Fisher's Green Magic' A. Fisher 1998 | R | | gr,mot,cr | | | sieboldiana sport |
H. 'Flat Clyde' Clyde Crockett 1997 | R | | dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Footlights' Jim & Jill Wilkins 1995 | R | S | y | | | 'Golden Hawk' hybrid |
H. 'Forever Frances' Ursula Syre-Herz 1996 | R | SM | gr,goye | | | 'Frances Williams' sport |
H. 'Forever Green' Jim Dishon 1994 | R | M | gr | | Y | rupifraga x plantaginea |
H. 'Fourth of July' J. C. Taylor/Tony Avent 1993 | R | SM | dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Foxy Doxy' Belle Gardens 1994 | R | M | blgr,str,w,y | | | 'William Lachman' x 'Frances Williams' |
H. 'Frank's Rocket' F. Kruse/W. Hoover/C. Kruse 1998 | R | | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Fried Bananas' Bob Solberg 1994 | R | ML | y | | Y+ | 'Guacamole' sport |
H. 'Fried Green Tomatoes' Bob Solberg 1995 | R | ML | gr | | Y | 'Guacamole' sport |
H. 'Front Forty' Ken Squires/Pete Ruh 1996 | R | SM | gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Frosty Morn' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1993 | R | SM | goy | | | rupifraga hybrid |
H. 'G String' John Mann Jr. 1996 | R | | y,dgre | | | 'Gold Standard' sport |
H. 'Gaijin' Japan/Mark Zilis/Bill Zumbar 1995 | R | D | dgr,naye | | | unknown |
H. 'Garden Treasure' Jim Schwarz 1997 | R | ML | gr,cre | | | 'Treasure' sport |
H. 'Gay Nineties' Belle Gardens 1994 | R | M | dgr,crwe | | | 'William Lachman' x montana |
H. 'Gaynor Miller' A & D Nursery/D. Smetana 1993 | R | L | lgr | | | 'Sea Gold Star' sport |
H. 'Geneva Remembrance' Gunther & Dean Stark/Don Dean 1996 | R | M | bl | | | 'Big Daddy' hybrid |
H. 'Gig Harbor' Alan Tower/Tower Perennial Gardens 1996 | R | M | blgr | | | tardiflora hybrid |
H. 'Gilded Tiara' Walters Gardens 1998 | R | | gry,ye | | | 'Grand Tiara' sport |
H. 'Godzilla' Dick & Jane Ward 1996 | R | | gr | | | 'Big John' x montana f. macrophylla |
H. 'Gold Dorothy of Richland' Shirley & Van Wade/Herb & Dorothy Benedict 1995 | R | ML | y | | | 'Dorothy Benedict' hybrid |
H. 'Gold Glory' Ran Lydell 1995 | R | ML | ch>goy>w | | | 'Paul's Glory' seedling |
H. 'Gold Waves' Loleta Powell 1995 | R | M | ygr | | | 'Sun Power' x 'Gold Cover' |
H. 'Golden Anniversary' Gladys Holly 1968/Eunice Fisher/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | ML | y>gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Golden Arrow' R. Herman 1996 | R | | ygo | | | clausa var. normalis hybrid |
H. 'Golden Ballerina' Henry Landis/Ken Squires/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | SM | ch | | | unknown |
H. 'Golden Circles' Frances Williams/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | L | blgr,ye | | | 'Frances Williams' sport |
H. 'Golden Delight' Bob Kuk 1994 | R | ML | y | | | 'Wayside Blue' hybrid |
H. 'Golden Eagle' Herb Benedict 1998 | R | L | blgr,ye | | | 'Gold Regal' hybrid |
H. 'Golden Fountain' Jim Dishon 1993 | R | M | y> | | 'Beatrice' x 'Green Fountain' | |
H. 'Golden Gate' Bill Brincka/Olga Petryszyn 1994 | R | L | ch>goy | | | (x nigrescens) x 'Blue Whirls' |
H. 'Golden Guernsey' Pete Ruh 1992 | R | ML | y | | | 'High Fat Cream' sport |
H. 'Golden Jubilee' Bob Savory/Savory Gardens 1995 | R | D | y | | | (x nakaiana) hybrid |
H. 'Golden Picture' Herb Benedict 1995 | R | M | y | | | 'Fortunei Albopicta' sport |
H. 'Golden Plum' C. Lewis 1968/Alex Summers/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | SM | y>gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Goosebumps' Ed Elslager 1998 | R | | dgr | | | 'Fortunei Hyacinthina' sport |
H. 'Grace McClure' Dick & Jane Ward 1998 | R | M | dgr,crwe | | | 'Pin Stripe' hybrid |
H. 'Granada' Bill Zumbar 1995 | R | DS | bl,str,gr | | | 'Pearl Lake' sport |
H. 'Grand Canyon' Petryszyn-Brincka 1995 | R | L | ch>goy | | | 'Sum and Substance' x montana f. macrophylla |
H. 'Grand Finale' Herb Benedict/Jim & Jill Wilkins 1995 | R | M | dgr | | | 'Maruba Iwa' hybrid |
H. 'Grand Prize' Walters Gardens 1998 | R | SM | gr,(y>cr)e | | | 'Grand Tiara' sport |
H. 'Gray Fox' Ran Lydell 1998 | R | | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Great Plains' William Brincka/Olga Petryszyn 1994 | R | XL | bl>dgr | | | 'Sagae' x 'Tokudama Aureonebulosa' |
H. 'Green Gables' Walters Gardens 1997 | R | XL | lgr | | | 'Sum and Substance' sport |
H. 'Green Lantern' Russ O'Harra/Frank Riehl 1993 | R | L | ye,blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Green Platter' Eunice Fisher 1968/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | ML | gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Green Spot' Eunice Fisher 1968/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | M | (gr,spe,y)>gr | | | 'Starker Yellow Leaf' sport |
H. 'Greenwood' Eunice Fisher/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | L | dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Grey Poupon' Bill Zumbar 1995 | R | | gagr,ye | | | unknown |
H. 'Guacamole' Bob Solberg 1994 | R | ML | (ch>goy),gre | | Y | 'Fragrant Bouquet' sport |
H. 'Guardian Angel' Criss & Rick Thompson 1995 | R | L | wc>gc,blgre | | | 'Blue Angel' sport |
H. 'Hadspen Samphire' Eric Smith/Alan Eason 1972/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | SM | y>gr | | | sieboldiana 'Elegans' x 'Kabitan' |
H. 'Hampshire County' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1993 | R | ML | blgr,we | | | ('Banana Sundae' x 'Sea Drift') x 'Blue Shadows' |
H. 'Handy Hatfield' Dick Ward 1996 | R | ML | gr,ye | | | 'Sun Glow' sport |
H. 'Hannah Hanson' E. Brodeur/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | | gry>gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Happy Valley' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1995 | R | ML | dgr,we | | | 'P14-3' x hypoleuca |
H. 'Harvest Dandy' Alex Summers 1986/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | M | dgr | | | longipes seedling |
H. 'Harvest Dawn' Alex Summers/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | S | dgr | | | 'Paxton's Original' seedling |
H. 'Harvest Delight' Alex Summers/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | | gr | | | kikutii selection |
H. 'Harvest Desire' Alex Summers/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | | gr | | | longipes x kikutii |
H. 'Heart of Gold' Jim Dishon 1996 | R | | lgr>goy | | | 'Sea Prize' x pycnophylla |
H. 'Heavenly Green' John Kulpa 1997 | R | M | gr | | Y | 'Seventh Heaven' sport |
H. 'Heavenly Tiara' Walters Gardens 1998 | R | S | y>ch,we | | | 'Grand Tiara' sport |
H. 'Heavy Metal' Lucy Simpers/J. Stallcop 1993 | R | M | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Henry Payne' Ursula Syre-Herz 1996 | R | M | dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Herbert' Herbert Zager/Pete Ruh 1996 | R | L | gr | | | sieboldiana seedling |
H. 'Herbie' Herb & Dorothy Benedict 1995 | R | D | dgr,nawe | | | venusta x (x 'Saishu Jima') |
H. 'Hi Ho Silver' Walters Gardens 1997 | R | S | gr,brwe | | | 'Ginko Craig' sport |
H. 'Hidden Cove' G. Foster/Alex Malloy 1998 | R | S | gr>(y,str,gr,gre) | | | unknown |
H. 'High Wire' Ran Lydell 1995 | R | SM | gagr | | | unknown |
H. 'Hirao Elite' Shuichi Hirao/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | S | gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Hirao Grande' Shuichi Hirao/Ran Lydell/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | M | gr | | | rectifolia hybrid |
H. 'Hirao Imperial' Shuichi Hirao/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | | dgr | RDB | | unknown |
H. 'Hirao Majesty' Shuichi Hirao/Mark Zilis/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | L | dgr | R | | unknown |
H. 'Hirao Splendor' Shuichi Hirao/Mark Zilis/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | SM | lgr | RDB | | kikutii hybrid |
H. 'Hirao Supreme' Shuichi Hirao/Mark Zilis/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | VL | lgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Hirao Zeus' Shuichi Hirao/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | ML | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Holly's Green and Gold' Gladys Holly/Eunice Fisher/Frances Williams/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | | blgr,ye | | | unknown |
H. 'Holly's Velvet Piecrust' Herb & Dorothy Benedict 1995 | R | M | dgr | | | 'Holly's Honey' selfed |
H. 'Homestead' Mark Zilis/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | | blgr,str,y | | | sieboldiana 'Elegans' sport |
H. 'Honey Do' Belle Gardens 1994 | R | S | y>cr,gre | | | 'Little Jim' x 'Little Jim' |
H. 'Hoosier Dome' Olga Petryszyn 1998 | R | L | gr | | | 'Niagara Falls' x ('Silver Bowl' x 'Muriel Seaver Brown') |
H. 'Hoosier Harmony' Indianapolis Hosta Society 1995 | R | ML | y,gre | | Y | 'Royal Standard' sport |
H. 'Hot Diggity Dog' Ed Elslager 1998 | R | | gry,cre | | | 'Sea Prize' hybrid |
H. 'Hot Lips' Hideko Gowen/Frank Riehl/Herb Benedict 1993 | R | SM | crw,gre | PR | | unknown |
H. 'Humdinger' Herb & Dorothy Benedict 1995 | R | D | cr,dgre | | | 'Yellow Splash' selfed |
H. 'Humility' Ron Snyder 1997 | R | S | dgr | | | 'Hertha' sport |
H. 'Hummingbird Wings' Kevin Walek 1996 | R | | ygr>ygo | | | 'Rosanne' x 'Little White Lines' |
H. 'Humor' Roy Davidson/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | | gr | | | 'Lancifolia' hybrid |
H. 'Hutch' R. Stephens 1995 | R | | lgr | | | (x 'Wolcott') x 'Piedmont Gold' |
H. 'Hydon Gleam' Arthur George/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | S | ch | | | 'Paxton's Original' x 'Ogon Koba' |
H. 'Ice Cream' Richard Rossing 1998 | R | S | dgr,ye | | | 'Vanilla Cream' sport |
H. 'Incredible Hunk' Ed Elslager 1998 | R | | | | | unknown |
H. 'Independence Day' Van Wade 1998 | R | L | gr,ncre | | | 'Gold Regal' sport |
H. 'Indian Feather' Clarence Owens 1992 | R | S | w,dgre | | | 'Yellow Splash' selfed |
H. 'Indian Princess' Gretchen Harshbarger/L. Stratton/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | L | blgr | | | sieboldiana hybrid |
H. 'Indiana Moonshine' C. Harstad 1996 | R | ML | goy>(y,gre) | | | 'August Moon' sport |
H. 'Inland Sea' Hajime Sugita/Mark Zilis/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | M | dgr | | | kiyosumiensis x pycnophylla |
H. 'Inniswood' Inniswood Metro Gardens 1993 | R | ML | goy,dgre | | | 'Sun Glow' sport |
H. 'Innovation' Elizabeth Nesmith/Pete Ruh 1996 | R | L | dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Irische See' Heinz Klose 1987/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | SM | blgr | | | tardiflora x sieboldiana 'Elegans' |
H. 'Irish Hills' Ken & L. Anderson 1996 | R | | dgr | | | 'Sum and Substance' sport |
H. 'Irish Mist' Bob Savory 1994 | R | S | w,dgre | | | 'Lancifolia' hybrid |
H. 'Irish Ribbons' Myrtle Kiehne/Ken Anderson 1992 | R | S | grwe,dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Island Charm' George Rasmussen/Alex Malloy 1997 | R | SM | w,gre | PI | | 'Flamboyant' hybrid |
H. 'Ivory Tower' Dick & Jane Ward 1996 | R | L | goy | | | 'Sagae' hybrid |
H. 'Jackpot' Dick & Jane Ward 1996 | R | | y | | | 'White Vision' x montana 'Praeflorens' |
H. 'Janet Day' Marge Soules 1996 | R | M | cr,dgre | | | 'Janet' sport |
H. 'Jay Jay' J. J. Grullemans/Pete Ruh 1994 | R | XL | blgr | | | sieboldiana hybrid |
H. 'Jim Matthews' Mrs. & J. Matthews/B. Sligh 1998 | R | ML | cr,blgre | | | sieboldiana hybrid |
H. 'Judy's Surprise' Kevin Walek 1996 | R | | | | | 'Rosanne' x 'Little White Lines' |
H. 'Julia' Peter White 1994 | R | SM | blgr,crwe | | | 'Fortunei Hyacinthina' sport |
H. 'Julia Gaede' S. & C. Gaede 1994 | R | M | gr,str,y,w | | Y | plantaginea sport |
H. 'Julie Ann' Pauline Banyai/D. Bachik 1995 | R | G | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Jumbo' Alex Summers/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | L | blgr | | | sieboldiana hybrid |
H. 'Kaitlyn' Dick & Jane Ward 1998 | R | | gr,cre | | | 'Pin Stripe Sister' hybrid |
H. 'Kathy-O' O'Donnell 1994 | R | M | str | | | 'Undulata Erromena' sport |
H. 'Katrina Jo' Frank Nyikos 1998 | R | M | gry | R | | 'Spritzer' hybrid |
H. 'Kelsey' H. Kelsey/Frances Williams 1968/Pete Ruh 1996 | R | SM | dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Kevin Kelley' Randy Goodwin 1996 | R | ML | gry | | | 'Sum and Substance' hybrid |
H. 'King James' Japan/Gus Krossa/Alex Summers/Pete Ruh 1992 | R | XL | gagr | | | montana seedling |
H. 'King Michael' Japan/Gus Krossa/Alex Summers/Pete Ruh 1992 | R | VL | gr | | | montana f. macrophylla seedling |
H. 'Kingwood Center' Kingwood Center 1993 | R | M | goy,dgre | | | (x 'Frances Williams') sport |
H. 'Kissing Cousin' Ed Elslager 1998 | R | | dgr,cre | | | 'Wide Brim' sport |
H. 'Kit Kat' D. Smetana/A & D Nursery 1994 | R | | lgr,blgre | | | 'Love Pat' sport |
H. 'Krossa Cream Edge' Gus Krossa/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | SM | lgr,cre | | | unknown |
H. 'Lacy Belle' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1992 | R | SM | bl,(y>cr)e | | | (x 'Neat Splash') x 'Halcyon' |
H. 'Lady Helen' Gladys Holly/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | M | ygr>lgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Lady Isobel Barnett' Diana Grenfell & Grounds 1996 | R | VL | dgr,naye | | | 'Sum and Substance' sport |
H. 'Ladybug' Dick & Jane Ward 1996 | R | S | ch>goy | | | 'Vanilla Cream' hybrid |
H. 'Lake Chautauqua' Hajime Sugita/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | L | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Lake Erie' Pete Ruh 1998 | R | L | dgr | | | 'Perry's True Blue' sport |
H. 'Lake Ontario' Ran Lydell 1998 | R | M | gagr | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside April Snow' Mary Chastain 1994 | R | ML | gr,cre | | | 'Fascination' x 'Lakeside Symphony' |
H. 'Lakeside Baby Face' Mary Chastain 1997 | R | S | blgr,we | | | "seedling" x 'Lakeside Little Gem' |
H. 'Lakeside Black Satin' Mary Chastain 1993 | R | M | dgr | | | ventricosa hybrid |
H. 'Lakeside Blue Confusion' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | M | blgr | | | 'Lakeside Sapphire Pleats' x blue seedling |
H. 'Lakeside Blue Jeans' Mary Chastain 1995 | R | L | bl | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Blushing Gold' Mary Chastain 1996 | R | M | y | | | "Lakeside seedling" x "Lakeside seedling" |
H. 'Lakeside Cha Cha' Mary Chastain 1994 | R | M | y,crwe | | | 'Fascination' x montana |
H. 'Lakeside Charm' Mary Chastain 1994 | R | M | gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Chatterbox' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | SM | y | | | "seedling" x 'Lakeside Little Gem' |
H. 'Lakeside Coal Miner' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | M | dgr | | | "seedling 10" x "seedling 10" |
H. 'Lakeside Cogwheel' Mary Chastain 1995 | R | SM | blgr,cre | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Contender' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | L | goy | | | 'Newberry Gold' x 'Sun Glow' |
H. 'Lakeside Cup Up' Mary Chastain 1993 | R | M | dgr | | | "seedling" x 'Black Beauty' |
H. 'Lakeside Cupcake' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | SM | (cry>w),dgre | | | "streaked seedling" x "blue seedling" |
H. 'Lakeside Cupid's Cup' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | M | blgr,we | | | "Lakeside seedling" x 'Lakeside Roy El' |
H. 'Lakeside Delight' Mary Chastain 1994 | R | ML | y | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Doodad' Mary Chastain 1995 | R | S | w,dgre | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Dragonfly' Mary Chastain 1997 | R | ML | blgr,we | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Emerald Lights' Mary Chastain 1993 | R | SM | dgr | | | ventricosa x 'Invincible' |
H. 'Lakeside Explosion' Mary Chastain 1995 | R | S | gr,we | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Feather Light' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | M | gr,crwe | | | "streaked seedling" x "seedling" |
H. 'Lakeside Frosted Mint' Mary Chastain 1996 | R | L | lgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Gold Point' Mary Chastain 1995 | R | SM | y | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Grandee' Mary Chastain 1994 | R | ML | dgr | | | 'Lakeside Ripples' hybrid |
H. 'Lakeside Happy Talk' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | S | w,gre | | | "seedling" x "seedling" |
H. 'Lakeside Kaleidoscope' Mary Chastain 1994 | R | SM | blgr,we | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Knickknack' Mary Chastain 1994 | R | S | gr,str,gr,y | | | "seedling" x 'Hydon Sunset' |
H. 'Lakeside Ladyfinger' Mary Chastain 1997 | R | S | y,cre | | | "seedling" x "seedling" |
H. 'Lakeside Lagoon' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | L | blgr | | | hypoleuca x "blue seedling" |
H. 'Lakeside Lime Time' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | S | ygr | | | 'Lakeside Ninita' sport |
H. 'Lakeside Little Gem' Mary Chastain 1993 | R | S | gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Little Tuft' Mary Chastain 1997 | R | S | cry,gre | | | "seedling" x "seedling" |
H. 'Lakeside Lollipop' Mary Chastain 1993 | R | S | dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Looking Glass' Mary Chastain 1997 | R | M | dgr | | | yingeri hybrid |
H. 'Lakeside Love Affaire' Mary Chastain 1997 | R | L | w,gre | | | "seedling" x "seedling" |
H. 'Lakeside Maestro' Mary Chastain 1995 | R | VL | gr | | | 'Lakeside Ripples' x 'Mikado' |
H. 'Lakeside Masterpiece' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | L | bl,we | | | "BSR 3-21-2" x 'Big Daddy' |
H. 'Lakeside Meter Maid' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | M | w,dgre | | | 'Summer Music' sport |
H. 'Lakeside Miss Muffett' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | S | gr,we | | | 'Lakeside Knickknack' sport |
H. 'Lakeside Ninita' Mary Chastain 1993 | R | D | ygr,cre | | | "seedling" x 'Hydon Sunset' |
H. 'Lakeside Paddywack' Mary Chastain 1996 | R | S | w,gre | | | 'Lakeside Knickknack' sport |
H. 'Lakeside Party Dress' Mary Chastain 1997 | R | M | lgr>y,cre | | | "seedling" x 'Spritzer' |
H. 'Lakeside Pebbles' Mary Chastain 1995 | R | M | dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Penny Pincher' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | S | dgr,ye | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Premier' Mary Chastain 1994 | R | ML | dgr,cre | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Prissy Miss' Mary Chastain 1997 | R | SM | gr,cre | | | "seedling" x 'Lakeside Little Gem' |
H. 'Lakeside Rhapsody' Mary Chastain 1995 | R | ML | blgr,cre | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Ring Master' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | L | dgr,we | | | 'Lakeside Roy El streaked' x 'Lakeside Ripples' |
H. 'Lakeside Roy El' Mary Chastain 1994 | R | L | gr,cre | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside San Kao' Mary Chastain 1995 | R | L | gr>y>w | | | "seedling" x 'Piedmont Gold' |
H. 'Lakeside Sapphire Pleats' Mary Chastain 1996 | R | ML | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Shore Master' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | ML | y,blgre | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Small Fry' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | D | gr,we | | | "seedling" x "seedling" |
H. 'Lakeside Sophistication' Mary Chastain 1995 | R | | crw,gre | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Sparkle Plenty' Mary Chastain 1995 | R | S | gr>y,gre | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Spellbinder' Mary Chastain 1997 | R | M | w,gre | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Spruce Goose' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | S | gr,we | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Surf Rider' Mary Chastain 1997 | R | VL | blgr | | | 'Lakeside Ripples' x 'Sagae' |
H. 'Lakeside Twiddle Dee' Mary Chastain 1996 | R | S | gr | | | 'Kabitan' x "seedling 9-14-7" |
H. 'Lakeside Waterfall' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | SM | y | | | unknown |
H. 'Lakeside Zinger' Mary Chastain 1998 | R | S | dgr,we | | | unknown |
H. 'Laura and Darrell' Handy Hatfield 1994/Dick & Jane Ward 1997 | R | ML | dgr,ye | | | 'Zounds' sport |
H. 'Lavender Doll' Hajime Sugita/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | M | lgr | PUB | | kiyosumiensis x pycnophylla |
H. 'Lavender Stocking' Hajime Sugita/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | ML | gr | L | | kiyosumiensis x pycnophylla |
H. 'Leading Lady' Jim & Jill Wilkins 1995 | R | ML | dgr,(y>cr)e | | | (x 'William Lachman') sport |
H. 'Leather Coat' Ron Snyder 1995 | R | M | blgr | | | 'Ryan's Big One' sport |
H. 'Leatherneck' Frank Nyikos 1998 | R | L | blgr>dgr | | | 'Yellow Splash Rim' x 'Blue Dimples' |
H. 'Leon' Lucy Simpers/Pete Ruh 1995 | R | | gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Little Black Scape' Tony Avent 1995 | R | | gr>y | | | 'Sum and Substance' hybrid |
H. 'Little Cyn' Robyn Duback 1998 | R | | bl,str,y,cr | | | unknown |
H. 'Little Darling' Clarence Owens 1994 | R | S | dgr,crwe | | | 'Betty Darling' sport |
H. 'Little Dart' Eunice Fisher/R. Lydell/P. Ruh 1995 | R | D | dgr | | | 'Lancifolia' sport |
H. 'Little Lites' John Kulpa/Pauline Banyai/Nancy Krul 1993 | R | | crw,dgre | | | 'Northern Lights' sport |
H. 'Little Sunspot' Briggs Nursery 1996 | R | S | goy,irdgre | | | 'Little Aurora' sport |
H. 'Livonia' Heinz Klose/Gus Krossa/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | M | gr | PI | | unknown |
H. 'Locomotion' Belle Gardens 1993 | R | M | blgr | | | 'Crested Surf' x 'Bold Ruffles' |
H. 'Lollapalooza' Ed Elslager 1998 | R | | dgr,(y>cr)e | | | 'Galaxy' hybrid |
H. 'Lonesome Pine' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1995 | R | L | gr,cre | | | unknown |
H. 'Louie' Missouri Botanical Garden/K. Squires/P. Ruh 1996 | R | | gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Louise Ryan' Walters Gardens/Clarence Falstad 1993 | R | VL | blgr,ygre | | | 'Ryan's Big One' sport |
H. 'Love Burst' D. & D. Ballantyne 1994 | R | M | y>lbl,ble | | | 'Love Pat' sport |
H. 'Love of Life' Nancy Krul/Ed Elslager 1998 | R | L | dgr,cre | | | 'Whopee' hybrid |
H. 'Lovelight' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1992 | R | ML | gr,ye | | | 'Flamboyant' x 'Banana Sundae' |
H. 'Lovely Lauren' Ed Elslager 1998 | R | | gr,cre | | | 'Sophistication' hybrid |
H. 'Lover's Leap' H. & D. Benedict 1995 | R | L | crw,gre | | | 'Dorothy Benedict' x 'Nooner' |
H. 'Loyalist' Gert van Eijk-Bos/Clarence Falstad 1998 | R | M | (y>w),dgre | | | 'Patriot' sport |
H. 'Lunar Magic' Ransom Lydell 1994 | R | ML | gr>y,dgre | | | 'Lunar Orbit' sport |
H. 'Lunar Night' Ransom Lydell 1998 | R | | dgr | | | 'Lunar Magic' sport |
H. 'Mack the Knife' Jim Dishon 1996 | R | DS | dgr,ore | | | 'Galaxy' x 'Hadspen Heron' |
H. 'Magic Carpet' Robyn Duback 1998 | R | S | dgr,ye | | | 'Emerald Carpet' sport |
H. 'Manhattan' Olga Petryszyn/Bill Brincka 1994 | R | L | gr | | | 'Sea Frolic' seedling |
H. 'Marge' Lucy Simpers/Marge Soules 1996 | R | M | gr | | | sieboldiana hybrid |
H. 'Margey' Pauline Banyai/Calvin Helsley 1998 | R | D | gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Margin of Error' B. Kuk 1995 | R | M | gr,crwe | | | 'Artist's Palette' sport |
H. 'Marion Bachman' L. Bachman 1992 | R | M | ygr,dgre | | | 'Fortunei' sport |
H. 'Maya' Meissner/Alex Summers 1965/Pete Ruh 1996 | R | S | y>gr,gre | | | 'Fortunei Albopicta' sport |
H. 'Mean Mama' Herb & Dorothy Benedict 1995 | R | M | y,dgre | | | 'Dorothy Benedict' sport |
H. 'Medusa' Roy Herold 1993 | R | D | crw,gre | | | 'Neat Splash' x gracillima |
H. 'Merry Sunshine' Ed Elslager 1998 | R | ML | gr,cre | | | 'Fascination' x hypoleuca |
H. 'Midnight Express' Dick & Jane Ward 1996 | R | | blgr>gr | | | 'Sagae' hybrid |
H. 'Midnight Sun' Dick & Jane Ward 1996 | R | L | goy | | | 'High Noon' x montana f. macrophylla |
H. 'Mikawa-no-yuki' Hajime Sugita/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | M | gr | RB | | kikutii "white-backed" x longipes "white-backed" |
H. 'Millennium' Jim & Jill Wilkins 1995 | R | ML | blgr | | | 'Herb Benedict' x 'Sagae' |
H. 'Minimoon' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1992 | R | S | blgr | | | 'Blue Moon' selfed |
H. 'Minna Blue' Jean Ruh 1997 | R | | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Minnesota Nice' Ron Snyder 1997 | R | M | (ch>gr),dgre | | | ventricosa 'Aureomaculata' sport |
H. 'Minuteman' John Machen, Jr. 1994 | R | SM | dgr,we | | | 'Francee' sport |
H. 'Mischief' Robyn Duback 1998 | R | L | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Missie Mouse' Ken Squires/Pete Ruh 1996 | R | S | gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Mississippi Delta' Olga Petryszyn 1998 | R | L | blgr | | | 'Sea Gold' x 'Golden Torch' |
H. 'Missy' D. Heinz 1992 | R | S | y | | | 'Saishu Jima' hybrid |
H. 'Mister Gee' M. Olson 1995 | R | | gr,str,bl,w | | | 'Crepe Suzette' x 'Blue Moon' |
H. 'Mistress Mabel' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1995 | R | L | gr,cre | | Y | ('Beatrice' F6 x 'Blue Moon') x plantaginea |
H. 'Misty Gold' Jim Dishon 1996 | R | L | gr,str,y | | | 'Gala' hybrid |
H. 'Misty Regal' J. & E. Stratton 1996 | R | ML | ygo,dgre | | | 'Gold Regal' sport |
H. 'Mohegan' Stan Megos/Alex Malloy 1998 | R | ML | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Monopoly' Alex Malloy 1998 | R | DS | lgr,str,w | STR | | 'Pilgrim' sport |
H. 'Monument Circle' Clyde Crockett 1995 | R | | (y,gre)>gr | | | (x sieboldiana) sport |
H. 'Mood Indigo' Dick & Jane Ward 1996 | R | | blgr | | | 'Tokudama Flavocircinalis' hybrid |
H. 'Moon Lily' Gretchen Harshbarger/Joyce Trott 1993 | R | M | y | | | unknown |
H. 'Moon Waves' Maria Plater-Zyberk/Bob Solberg 1994 | R | M | y | | | 'August Moon' seedling |
H. 'Moongate Flying Saucer' Charles Isaacs/Bob Solberg 1996 | R | SM | blgr | | | 'Serendipity' x 'Blue Blazes' |
H. 'Moongate Little Dipper' Charles Isaacs/Bob Solberg 1996 | R | SM | dgr | | | 'Serendipity' x 'Blue Blazes' |
H. 'Mount Everest' Jim Dishon 1996 | R | ML | dgr,we | | | 'Sea Prize' x montana |
H. 'Mount Hope' Janet Starnes Nursery 1992 | R | M | gr,(y>cre) | | | unknown |
H. 'Mount Tom' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1995 | R | ML | gr,we | | | 'Flamboyant' x 'Christmas Tree' |
H. 'Mrs Minky' Peter Hall 1993 | R | SM | y>ch | | | minor x 'Piedmont Gold' |
H. 'Muffie' Randy Goodwin 1996 | R | S | gr,we | | | 'Bravo' hybrid |
H. 'Muted Moon' Pete Ruh 1995 | R | | dgr,che | | | 'August Moon' sport |
H. 'My Blue Heaven' Pauline Banyai/Ed Elslager 1997 | R | | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'My Child Insook' Herb & Dorothy Benedict 1995 | R | L | w,dgre | | | 'Outrageous' sport |
H. 'My Fair Katie' Ed Elslager 1998 | R | | gry | | | 'Sophistication' hybrid |
H. 'My Love Dorothy' Herb & Dorothy Benedict 1995 | R | M | w,blgre | | | 'Dorothy Benedict' selfed |
H. 'Nesmith's Giant' Elizabeth Nesmith/Pete Ruh 1994 | R | L | dgr | | | sieboldiana x sieboldiana 'Elegans' |
H. 'New Moon' Ran Lydell 1995 | R | | y,brgre | | | 'August Clouds' x 'Fortunei Hyacinthina' |
H. 'Newberry Gold' Carter/Holmes/N. Plemmons 1996 | R | | ygo | | | 'Tokudama Aureonebulosa' hybrid |
H. 'Nicholas James' Pauline Banyai/Ed Elslager 1996 | R | | goy | | | unknown |
H. 'Nick Balash' Clarence Owens 1994 | R | S | dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Nickelodeon' Tom Schmid 1998 | R | | gr,ye | | | 'Summer Music' sport |
H. 'Night before Christmas' John Machen, Jr. 1994 | R | ML | w,dgre | | | 'White Christmas' sport |
H. 'Noah's Rainbow' Ron Snyder 1997 | R | | gr,str,cr,cre | | | 'Green Gold' sport |
H. 'Nonsuch' Diana Grenfell 1996 | R | | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Nordatlantik' Eric Smith/Heinz Klose/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | | blgr | | | 'Dorset Charm' x 'Dorset Flair' |
H. 'North Point' Ran Lydell 1998 | R | M | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Northern Exposure' Walters Gardens 1997 | R | ML | blgr,(y>cr)e | | | sieboldiana 'Elegans' sport |
H. 'Northern Star' Walters Gardens/Clarence Falstad 1993 | R | L | blgr,ye | | | sieboldiana 'Elegans' sport |
H. 'Norwalk Chartreuse' N. Stark 1995 | R | ML | chy | | | unknown |
H. 'Obsession' Tony Avent 1998 | R | S | gr,dgre | | | 'Sparkling Burgundy' sport |
H. 'Odd Ball' H. & D. Benedict 1995 | R | M | blgr | | | 'Northern Mist' hybrid |
H. 'Old Cadillac' Julia Geisler/Jane & Bernie Diesen 1998 | R | L | ch>lgr>blgr | | | sieboldiana 'Elegans' hybrid |
H. 'Olive Oil' Jim Dishon 1996 | R | M | lgr>goy | | | 'Yellow Splash' x hypoleuca |
H. 'Outhouse Delight' Tony Avent 1998 | R | S | w>(w,spe,gr) | | | 'Undulata' hybrid |
H. 'Owen Online' Ron Snyder 1998 | R | | goy,dgre | | | 'Fortunei Aureomarginata' sport |
H. 'Pacific Sunlight' Robyn Duback 1998 | R | M | ly | | | 'Golden Anniversary' hybrid |
H. 'Pale Gold' Eunice Fisher 1968/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | SM | y>gr | | | 'Golden Anniversary' hybrid |
H. 'Pandora's Box' Hans Hansen & Shady Oaks Nursery 1996 | R | DS | wc,blgre,lgr | | | 'Baby Bunting' sport |
H. 'Parhelion' Walters Gardens 1997 | R | L | lgr,nawe | | | 'Sum and Substance' sport |
H. 'Party Time' Herb & Dorothy Benedict 1995 | R | M | dgr | R | | 'Nooner' x 'Sparkling Burgundy' |
H. 'Pastures New' Alex Summers/Eric Smith/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | SM | gr | | | nakaiana hybrid |
H. 'Patriot's Fire' Alex Summers/Kevin Walek 1996 | R | ML | ch>y,we | | | 'Patriot' sport |
H. 'PeeDee Apollo' Ursula Syré-Herz 1996 | R | | goy | | | 'Peedee Gold Flash' x 'Krossa Regal' |
H. 'PeeDee Dew Catcher' Ursula Syré-Herz 1992 | R | SML | ch>y | | | 'City Lights' x 'Bold Ruffles' |
H. 'PeeDee Granny Smith' Ursula Syré-Herz 1992 | R | M | gr | | | 'Shade Fanfare' x 'Bold Ruffles' |
H. 'PeeDee Laughing River' Ursula Syré-Herz 1992 | R | SM | gr,we | | | 'Neat Splash' x 'Iron Gate Glamour' |
H. 'PeeDee Picotee' Ursula Syré-Herz 1992 | R | S | ygr>y | | | ventricosa hybrid |
H. 'People's Choice' Gayle Kamp 1998 | R | | blgr | | | 'Placemat' hybrid |
H. 'Peppermint Ice' Belle Gardens 1994 | R | S | w,dgre | | | 'William Lachman' x montana |
H. 'Peridot' Ran Lydell 1995 | R | M | dgr | | | 'Halcyon' sport |
H. 'Pete's Passion' Pete Ruh 1997 | R | L | y,blgre | | | 'Paul's Glory' sport |
H. 'Pewter Frost' Jim Dishon 1996 | R | | blgr | | | pycnophylla x montana |
H. 'Phantom' Bob Solberg/Jim & Jill Wilkins 1995 | R | ML | gr | PU | | 'Riptide' seedling |
H. 'Picadello' Belle Gardens 1995 | R | SM | blgr,we | | | 'Shenanigans' sport |
H. 'Pied Piper' Ran Lydell 1998 | R | | ygr,we | | | unknown |
H. 'Pilgrim' George Rasmussen/Alex Malloy 1997 | R | S | lgr,(y>crw)e | | | 'Flamboyant' seedling |
H. 'Pink Panther' Alex Malloy 1998 | R | S | gr,str,w | PI | | 'Island Charm' sport |
H. 'Pixie Vamp' Dick & Jane Ward 1996 | R | D | gr,(y>cr)e | | | 'Pinstripe' hybrid |
H. 'Polished Jade' Ran Lydell 1993 | R | M | gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Polychrome' Alex Malloy 1998 | R | | dgr,str,cr | PU | | 'Emerald Crown' sport |
H. 'Popo' Russ O'Harra/Frank Riehl 1993 | R | DS | blgr>gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Potomac Pride' Tony Avent 1995 | R | M | dgr | | | 'Blue Umbrellas' x 'Treasure Island' |
H. 'Powder Blue' Hajime Sugita/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | M | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Prairie Fire' Bob Kuk 1994 | R | M | y | | | 'Gold Regal' x "Tokudama gold seedling" |
H. 'Praying Hands' Jerry Williams 1996 | R | M | dgr,naye | | | unknown |
H. 'Prima Donna' Jim & Jill Wilkins 1995 | R | L | dgr,(y>cr)e | | | (x 'William Lachman') sport |
H. 'Princess Anastasia' Gary Trucks 1998 | R | | y,blgre | | | 'Ryan's Big One' sport |
H. 'Princess Diana' Gary Trucks 1997 | R | | y,blgre | | | 'Tokudama Flavoplanata' sport |
H. 'Purple Charmer' Clarence Lantis/Pete Ruh 1993 | R | S | gr | | | gracillima x 'Ogon Koba' |
H. 'Rain Forest' Randy Goodwin 1996 | R | M | gr | | | rupifraga hybrid |
H. 'Raspberry Parfait' Hajime Sugita/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | M | gr | PI | | longipes x pycnophylla |
H. 'Raven' Bob Savory 1993 | R | M | dgr | | | 'Fortunei Hyacinthina' hybrid |
H. 'Red Neck Heaven' Tony Avent 1998 | R | SM | gr | R | | kikutii caput-avis hybrid |
H. 'Red Stepper' Randy Goodwin 1996 | R | M | gr | R | | 'Invincible' hybrid |
H. 'Reefed Sails' Charlie Seaver 1994 | R | S | dgr,we | | | 'Don Stevens' x 'Sea Octopus' |
H. 'Regal Promenade' Ron Snyder 1994 | R | L | blgr,str,cr | | | 'Krossa Regal' sport |
H. 'Regal Providence' Ron Snyder 1994 | R | L | crw,blgre | | | 'Krossa Regal' sport |
H. 'Regalia' Ken Anderson 1992 | R | ML | lgr,blgre | | | 'Krossa Regal' sport |
H. 'Revelations' E. Moore 1993 | R | M | lgr,gre | | | 'Fortunei Hyacinthina' sport |
H. 'Rhapsody in Blue' Herb Benedict/Jim & Jill Wilkins 1995 | R | M | blgr | | | rupifraga hybrid |
H. 'Rippling Rhythm' Bob Savory 1998 | R | ML | dgr | | | 'Bountiful' hybrid |
H. 'Robert's Rapier' Bob Keller/White Oak Nursery 1996 | R | M | naw,gre | | | 'White Christmas' sport |
H. 'Rock Happy' Pete Ruh 1992 | R | SM | lgr | | | longipes hybrid |
H. 'Rocknoll Blue Dwarf' B. Saur/Pete Ruh 1996 | R | | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Rosebud' Dennis Savory 1992 | R | ML | gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Rosie Posie' Belle Gardens 1994 | R | S | gr,we | | | 'William Lachman' x montana |
H. 'Rossing's Pride' Dick Rossing 1993 | R | M | gry,gre | | | 'Fortunei Hyacinthina' sport |
H. 'Roundhouse Blues' Tom Micheletti 1998 | R | M | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Rubber Ducky' Jim Schwarz 1996 | R | SM | lgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Ruffled Petticoats' Jane & Bernie Diesen 1998 | R | L | gr | | | 'Green Piecrust' hybrid |
H. 'Rumpelstiltskin' Bob Savory/Dennis Savory 1997 | R | XL | dgr,ye | | | 'Vilmoriniana' hybrid |
H. 'Rusty Bee' Alex Malloy 1998 | R | | lgr | R | | 'Beatrice' hybrid |
H. 'Sagae' Kenji Watanabe 1996 | R | VL | dgr,(y>cr)e | | | fluctuans sport |
H. 'Sailors' Warning' Charly Seaver 1995 | R | S | lgr,str,y,w | R | | 'Flamboyant' hybrid |
H. 'Sails Ho' Ran Lydell 1995 | R | | (w>grw),gre | | | 'Krossa Regal' sport |
H. 'Saint Elmo's Fire' Bob Solberg 1995 | R | SM | y>gr,we | | | 'Sea Fire' sport |
H. 'Sally and Bob' Clarence Owens 1994 | R | L | gr,str,w,y | | | 'William Lachman' x 'Fascination' |
H. 'Salute' Herb & Dorothy Benedict 1995 | R | SM | blgr | | | "Dorset Blue F4" selfed |
H. 'Sam-Tina Gold' John Orlando 1998 | R | S | lgr>w | | | 'Gold Standard' sport |
H. 'Sara' Bob Kuk 1994 | R | M | goy | | | 'Rippling Waves' hybrid |
H. 'Sara's Sensation' Paul & Linda Hofer 1998 | R | | blgr,goye | | | 'Frances Williams' sport |
H. 'Sarah Jane' Dick & Jane Ward 1997 | R | M | gr,ye | | | 'Gold Standard' sport |
H. 'Sasquatch' Hajime Sugita/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | L | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Saybrook Surprise' Ran Lydell 1998 | R | ML | y,gre | | | (x 'Perry's True Blue') sport |
H. 'Scarlet O'Hara' Ursula Syre-Herz 1996 | R | | y>lgr | R | | 'Peedee Red Legs' x 'Peedee Gold Flash' |
H. 'September Surprise' Walters Gardens 1997 | R | ML | chy,gre | | | 'August Moon' sport |
H. 'Seven-Eleven' Ken Squires/Pete Ruh 1996 | R | SM | lgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Seventh Heaven' John Kulpa 1994 | R | ML | dgr,str,w | | Y+ | 'Kevin Vaughn' x plantaginea |
H. 'Shades of Mercy' Ron Snyder 1998 | R | | gr,str,w,we | | | 'Allan P. McConnell' sport |
H. 'Shadow Waltz' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1995 | R | L | gr,(y>lgr)e | | | ('Banana Sundae' x 'Sea Drift') x 'Blue Shadows' |
H. 'Shady Choice' Jane & Bernie Diesen 1998 | R | M | gr | | | 'Torchlight' sport |
H. 'Sharp Shooter' Belle Gardens 1993 | R | SM | gr | | | 'Spartan Gem' hybrid |
H. 'Shere Khan' Mark Zilis/Bill Zumbar 1995 | R | S | (gr>y),we | | | 'Just So' sport |
H. 'Sherwood Forest' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1993 | R | L | gr | | | 'Carnival' selfed |
H. 'Shimmering Silk' F. Davis 1996 | R | | dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Shiny Penny' Bob Solberg 1997 | R | D | y | | | 'Lemon Lime' x 'Shining Tot' |
H. 'Shirley' Van Wade 1998 | R | M | y,gre | | | unknown |
H. 'Show Piece' Gus Krossa/Eunice Fisher/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | | gry>gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Showboat' Bill & Eleanor Lachman 1993 | R | ML | dgr,crwe | | | 'Christmas Tree' x 'Lachman 81-9' |
H. 'Silent Witness' George Rasmussen/Alex Malloy 1997 | R | SM | gr,lgre | | | 'Flamboyant' hybrid |
H. 'Silver and Gold' Ran Lydell 1995 | R | M | goy,we | | | 'Gold Standard' sport |
H. 'Silver Creek Sunshine' Dennis Savory 1996 | R | S | y>gr | | | 'Halcyon' hybrid |
H. 'Silver Dust' Eunice Fisher/Pete Ruh 1995 | R | M | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Silvery Slugproof' Diana Grenfell 1996 | R | SM | blgr | | | sieboldiana x 'Tardiflora' |
H. 'Skookumchuck' Robyn Duback 1998 | R | M | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Sleeping Beauty' Walters Gardens 1997 | R | | blgr,we | | | 'Halcyon' sport |
H. 'Slick Willie' Jerry Hadrava 1996 | R | M | dgr | | | ventricosa x 'Invincible' |
H. 'Small Sum' Randy Goodwin 1996 | R | ML | goy | | | 'Sum and Substance' seedling |
H. 'Smiling Sailor' Charly Seaver 1996 | R | DS | gry | | | unknown |
H. 'Smokerise Frosted Vase' Ernest Lunsford 1994 | R | L | gagr>gr,nawe | | | 'Frances Williams' x nigrescens |
H. 'Smokey Tokey' Ed Elslager 1998 | R | | blgr | | | 'Tokudama' sport |
H. 'Snow Mound' Skylands Nursery/Alex Summers 1968/Pete Ruh 1997 | R | S | gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Soft Shoulders' Tony Avent 1995 | R | S | dgr,cre | | | 'Swoosh' x 'Tardiflora' |
H. 'Southern Comfort' Pete Ruh 1992 | R | M | gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Space Odyssey' Clarence Soules 1997 | R | G | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Spartan Flash' Ed Elslager 1998 | R | | gr,str,y,w | | | 'Undulata Albomarginata' sport |
H. 'Spinnaker' Charly Seaver 1994 | R | L | gr | | | 'Sea Lotus Leaf' hybrid |
H. 'Splashed Leather' Randy Goodwin 1996 | R | M | gr,str,y | | | unknown |
H. 'Spotlight' Jim Wilkins 1995 | R | VL | y | | | 'Fort Knox' x 'Elatior' |
H. 'Spring Lace' Calvin Helsley 1998 | R | S | lgr,nadgre | | | 'Chartreuse Wiggles' x 'Starburst' |
H. 'Squash Casserole' Tony Avent 1995 | R | ML | y | | | 'Hirao Elite' x 'August Moon' |
H. 'Standard Deviation' Calvin Helsley 1998 | R | | lgr,str,y,cr | | | 'Gold Standard' sport |
H. 'Star Struck' Jim & Jill Wilkins 1995 | R | | (goy>w),blgre | | | (x 'William Lachman') sport |
H. 'Starboard Light' Charley Seaver 1994 | R | ML | dy | | | 'Komodo Dragon' hybrid |
H. 'Stardust' Dick & Jane Ward 1998 | R | L | y | | | 'White Vision' x montana f. macrophylla |
H. 'Stearn's Beauty' Frances Williams/Pete Ruh 1995 | R | | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Stefan Edward' Van Wade/Ed Elslager 1998 | R | | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Stetson' Walters Gardens 1997 | R | M | dgr,ye | | | 'Wide Brim' sport |
H. 'Straka Gold' Clarence Owens 1994 | R | XL | y | | | 'Gold Regal' x montana |
H. 'Strawberry Delight' Hajime Sugita/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | M | gr | R | | longipes x pycnophylla |
H. 'Striped Canvas' Charly Seaver 1996 | R | M | gr,str,w,y | | | 'Designer Genes' x 'Sea Angel' |
H. 'Sugar Babe' Bob Solberg 1996 | R | S | dgr,we | | Y | 'Iron Gate Supreme' x 'Saishu Jima' |
H. 'Sugar Pie' Ron Snyder 1998 | R | | gr,we | | | rohdeifolia sport |
H. 'Summer Gold' Stephen Hamblin/Frances Williams/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | M | goy>gry | | | unknown |
H. 'Summer Joy' Roy Klehm 1998 | R | M | w,blgre | | | 'Blue Splendor' sport |
H. 'Summer Music' Roy Klehm 1998 | R | M | w,ygre | | | 'Shade Master' sport |
H. 'Summer Serenade' Roy Klehm 1998 | R | ML | y,dgre | | | 'Piedmont Gold' sport |
H. 'Sunny Isle' Pete Ruh 1997 | R | | | | | unknown |
H. 'Supersonic' Ken & L. Anderson 1996 | R | | dgr,ye | | | 'Sum and Substance' sport |
H. 'Surprised by Joy' Alex Malloy 1998 | R | S | crw,dgre | | | 'Flamboyant' x venusta |
H. 'Swan Lake' Hajime Sugita/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | | blgr | | | kiyosumiensis x pycnophylla |
H. 'Sweet Sunshine' Bob Solberg 1997 | R | SM | y | | Y | 'Sweet Susan' x 'Tokudama Aureonebulosa' |
H. 'Sweet Tater Pie' Tony Avent 1995 | R | S | y>ch | | | 'Gold Scepter' x yingeri |
H. 'Tangerine' Ed Elslager 1998 | R | | goy | | | 'Sea Sunrise' hybrid |
H. 'Tardiflora Hybrida' Georg Arends 1911/Pete Ruh 1992 | R | S | dgr | | | 'Tardiflora' x ventricosa |
H. 'Tattoo' Tony Avent 1998 | R | DS | goy,wat,gr | | | 'Little Aurora' sport |
H. 'Teaspoon' Frank Nyikos 1998 | R | SM | gr | GR | Y- | 'Birchwood Parky's Gold' x 'Golden Tiara' |
H. 'Temple Bells' Pauline Banyai 1992 | R | S | dgr | | | (x 'Beatrice') hybrid |
H. 'Tentacles' Charly Seaver 1996 | R | S | gr | R | | 'Don Stevens' x 'Sea Octopus' |
H. 'The Godfather' Dick & Jane Ward 1998 | R | XL | dgr | | | unknown |
H. 'The Hulk' Pierre Bennerup/Alex Malloy 1998 | R | | gr | | | unknown |
H. 'Thor' Pete Ruh 1994 | R | L | gr | | | hypoleuca seedling |
H. 'Thumbelina' Dick Ward 1996 | R | S | gr,cre | | | 'Pin Stripe Sister' hybrid |
H. 'Tiffney's Godzilla' Jack Dreessen 1996 | R | VL | gr,nagoye | | | 'Sum and Substance' sport |
H. 'Timothy' Dustin Ruh/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | S | dgr,ye | | | 'Gold Edger' sport |
H. 'Tom Schmid' Tom Schmid 1995 | R | L | (bl>gr),we | | | 'Krossa Regal' sport |
H. 'Toots' Hajime Sugita/Jean Ruh/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | | dgr | L | | pycnophylla x kiyosumiensis |
H. 'Topaz Tiara' Walters Gardens 1998 | R | | y,gre | | | 'Grand Tiara' sport |
H. 'Torchy' Bill Zumbar 1995 | R | S | gr,we | | | unknown |
H. 'Tracy's Emerald Cup' Tracy Heuermann 1997 | R | M | gr | | | 'Francee' hybrid |
H. 'Trade Wind' John Kulpa 1994 | R | ML | dgr,str,w | | | 'Whirlwind' sport |
H. 'Tranquility' Jim & Jill Wilkins 1995 | R | M | blgr,ye | | | (x 'Aspen Gold') sport |
H. 'Treasure Island' Tony Avent 1998 | R | S | dgr | GR | | yingeri selection |
H. 'Tucker Charm' Ray Stephens 1993 | R | S | dgr | | | 'Pearl Lake' x 'Herifu' |
H. 'Tucker Irish Heart' Ray Stephens 1993 | R | S | gr | | | 'Golden Prayers' sport |
H. 'Tucker Pucker' Ray Stephens 1993 | R | L | blgr>dgr | | | (x montana) x 'Big Daddy' |
H. 'Tucker Tigers' Ray Stephens 1993 | R | L | lgr | | | (x 'Wolcott') x 'Piedmont Gold' |
H. 'Tucker Tiny Tot' Ray Stephens 1995 | R | | dgr | | | (x 'Kabitan') x (x 'Herifu') |
H. 'Tucker Top Cat' Ray Stephens 1993 | R | M | dgr,gre | | | (x 'Herifu') x 'Happy Hearts' |
H. 'Tucker Wave' Ray Stephens 1995 | R | | dgr,lgre | | | 'Kabitan' x (x 'Neat Splash') |
H. 'Tweety Bird' Jim Schwarz 1997 | R | S | y | | | unknown |
H. 'Twilight' Gert van Eijk-Bos/G. Van Buren/Dirk van Erven 1997 | R | M | dgr,ye | GR | | 'Fortunei Aureomarginata' sport |
H. 'Valencia' Bill Zumbar 1995 | R | | str,we | | | 'Beatrice' x 'Iron Gate Delight' |
H. 'Venus' Walters Gardens 1993 | R | M | gr | | Y | 'Aphrodite' sport |
H. 'Veronica Lake' Frank Riehl 1993 | R | SM | blgr,crwe | | | 'Pearl Lake' sport |
H. 'Vivian' Vivian Grapes/Pete Ruh 1993 | R | M | dgr,we | | | 'Fool's Gold' sport |
H. 'Warwick Choice' Gil Jones 1993 | R | ML | gr,we | | | 'William Lachman' selfed |
H. 'Warwick Cup' Gil Jones 1993 | R | M | blgr | | | 'Tokudama' hybrid |
H. 'Warwick Edge' Gil Jones 1993 | R | S | gr,we | | | 'William Lachman' x nakaiana |
H. 'Warwick Essence' Gil Jones 1993 | R | L | blgr | | Y+ | 'Northern Halo' x plantaginea |
H. 'Waving Wuffles' Tony Avent 1995 | R | ML | gr | | | ventricosa hybrid |
H. 'Whippersnapper' Belle Gardens 1994 | R | D | gr,cre | | | 'Masquerade' hybrid |
H. 'White Dove' Herb & Dorothy Benedict 1995 | R | S | gr,we | | | 'Beatrice' selfed |
H. 'White Hot' Walters Gardens 1998 | R | S | cr,ye | RD | | 'Sea Fire' sport |
H. 'White Lightning' Janet Shugart/Jane & Bernie Diesen 1994 | R | M | ch>y,we | | | 'Janet' sport |
H. 'White Mule' Alex Summers/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | S | gr | | | sieboldii sport |
H. 'White Surprise' Loleta Powell 1995 | R | M | str,ygr>w,dgre | | | 'Fool's Gold' sport |
H. 'White Swan' Herb & Dorothy Benedict 1995 | R | S | w,gre | | | 'Beatrice' selfed |
H. 'White Wall Tire' Tony Avent 1995 | R | S | w>wgr>gr | | | 'Outhouse Delight' hybrid |
H. 'Willy Nilly' Gladys Holly 1963/Pete Ruh 1996 | R | ML | blgr | | | unknown |
H. 'Wily Willy' Ed Elslager 1998 | R | | dgr | PR | | unknown |
H. 'Winsome' Dick & Jane Ward 1996 | R | D | gr,we | | | 'Pin Stripe Sister' hybrid |
H. 'Wintergreen' Jim Dishon 1994 | R | M | dgr,crwe | | | 'Sea Prize' hybrid |
H. 'Wizard's Turban' Jerry Hadrava 1996 | R | | | | | 'Galaxy' x 'Wahoo' |
H. 'Wolverine' Jim & Jill Wilkins 1995 | R | SM | blgr,crye | | | 'Splash F5 seedling' x 'Dorset Blue' |
H. 'Woodland Blue' Lucy Simpers/Pete Ruh 1993 | R | L | blgr | | | sieboldiana x 'Tokudama' |
H. 'Wylde Green Cream' Stratton 1996 | R | S | y,dgre | | | 'Vanilla Cream' sport |
H. 'Yellow Flash' Pete Ruh 1997 | R | L | (ch,lye)>(gr,crwe) | | | 'Sagae' sport |
H. 'Yellow Jacket' Mark Zilis/Pete Ruh 1998 | R | S | gr,(cry>w)e | | | 'Little White Lines' sport |
H. 'Yellow River' Eric Smith/Paul Aden/Pete Ruh 1993 | R | ML | dgr,ye | | | montana sport or hybrid |
H. 'Zebson' Leonard Jones 1998 | R | L | y,lye | | | 'Sum and Substance' sport |